I am writing this blog because being an responsible citizen of our country its my duty to make people aware and stimulate them to take some initiatives to save our Indians tigers which are about to disappear in near future
Now, you all must be thinking what new an
Many people’s are doing the same they are writing blogs, joining different related Communities on different social networking sites like orkut and facebook.

Many companies are also coming forward and taking initiative to create awareness among people so that we will able to safe our Indian tigers somehow as they are present in very few number now we are left with just 1411 tigers in India.
Undoubtedly it’s a good cause to create awareness among people so that we can jointly do something in this regard but I m in perplexity will it really work ??? Will we able to save our tigers by writing blogs and joining communities????
Truth is that once after joining community we hardly use it and we busy people hardly read blogs .we are spending lot of time and money just for creating awareness and that too among those people who are already being sensible enough to understand the importance of our national animal. The percentage of people using social networking sites and bloggers are sensible and literate enough to understand their duties towards their country and environment. The most people among them are already aware of this thing.
So by doing this type of activities are we really saving our tigers? Or it needs some other kind of efforts?? Yes according to me inspite of wasting so much money and time in advertising and doing this kind of activities we should utilize that money in taking more opt conservative methods to save our tigers. I think it will work more rather than creating awareness only because it’s a high time now, we are left with a very few tigers so inspite of creating awareness only its time to take some major actions.

Because I am scared that it wont happen that we keep our self busy in creating awareness only and left with no tigers. We are not having enough time to be engaged our self in just making people aware about this.
What we will do with that “awareness” if we will not be having our national animal left.
hiiiiiiii akash good morning
ReplyDeletehey very nice blog yaar i never thought of this thing from this angle as u have written it. apparently i thought it is like all usual blog to create awareness and all but u have written it from a very different view point and i really appreciate ur view u are absolutely right akash that this will not work if we all really dont wont that our national animal get exticnt than we should take some serious measures other than creating awarness i really like the way u portray ur view .
u use very simple yet effective way of writing and very nice and touching video indeed.
well done dear
keep up the good work
best of luck from my side god bless u
good evening sir
ReplyDeletekya baat hey sir ekdum sahi kaha aapne .
i m totally agree with u sir really we need to adopt some strict measure to overcome this problem.
very nice blog and good pics and video as well
do write more blogs
really nice point of view.
ReplyDeletethr is no matter in creating awareness among those who r already educated. should do sumthing which is meaningful.
gud work
best of luck
thanks a lot sweety ,saurabhmba and shweta....its very encouraging for me that you are regularly reading my blogs ... thanks
ReplyDeletehiiiii akash
ReplyDeletevery nice blog again
and their is one thing very good about your blogs is that u really write them with ur whole heart it seems like u put so much efforts to make ur blog interesting with pics and videos
really a good blog
good job done
thanks asha
ReplyDeletehey akash
ReplyDeletei completely agree with u . seriously u are absolutely right even i have joined community od save tigers and all but whats the use of that.
i never thought of this thing but u are right now u have very less time to take some actions
really its time to wake up
beautiful blog and nice video
keep writing more interesting and motivational blog
good work sir
ReplyDeletenice blog to read
really its high time now
thanks for waking me up and i hope all will understand and take some actions to save our national animal
hey akash
ReplyDeletenice blog i really like the way u express ur blogs
well done
and keep writing such interesting blogs
good job buddy
ReplyDeletereally a nice thought dear. u r absolutely correct we all should take some initiative to protect ur tigers which are about to extinct in near future.
really a time to wake up
good job done i like to read your blogs so when the next is coming hmm ??????
Yes Akash you are right. WE are only join the community and after it we forget why we are here. I think there is no need make huges commities only if the people are not performing. we need to take initiative for these social cause.
ReplyDeleteThank you Akash for your Information.
A good blog written by you.
thank alot everyone
ReplyDeleteits great that u are reading and appreciating my blog
thank alot for ur comments
i will try to come up with more good blogs
good evening akash
ReplyDeletevery true yaar we people are doing nothing useful just joining community and dont even bother once after joining then it is really a useless task we should use that money in more productive way so that we can save our tigers
very good blog dude
hello akash sir
ReplyDeletenice clog sir and what ever u have written is absolutely correct and i do agree with the same
good job sir
nice blog akash
ReplyDeletekeep writing
have a nice day
Nice attempt..........
ReplyDeletecarry on...
gud luck
Thanks every one